Sunday, October 23, 2011

HDT Rally

We are in Kansas for 4 weeks. I got 2 jobs of 2-weeks each. I bid on these jobs because they are close to the HDT Rally that we wanted to attend. HDT means heavy duty truck. Many people tow their trailers with semis, or HDT's. We arrived in Halstead, KS on 10/9. Unfortunately it was raining, and the sites are mostly grass/mud. They tried to put us in one section that was pretty sloppy. I had to 4-wheel out of there before we got stuck. We found another section that had some gravel, but by then the rig was muddy from our 4-wheeling. Nan told me she had enough of this life and wanted to buy a house so I agreed we could start looking. A few days later after the sun came out, she met all the friendly people in Kansas, and we hadn't been taken away by a tornado, she asked me if I would ever come back here? I said "I don't know how to answer that". She said "I like it here. I could see coming back". I think I dodged a bullet.

They have the national HDT rally in Kansas each year because it is central U.S. We had people from Alaska, Washington, Texas, N. Dakota, Michigan, and several other states. About 40 trucks showed up this year. There were about 5 Smart Cars, and about 4 jeeps that people put on their trucks.

During the week of the rally I had to work Tuesday through Thursday. They had some seminars during the week. Unfortunately I had to miss some because of work. Luckily I was available for the cooking seminar - always a favorite. The rally ended on Saturday, 10/22, so we are now back in Halstead, KS for 2 more weeks.

I'm driving Nan to Wichita next Saturday so she can fly to Cleveland for a few days. Then she flys to Houston from Cleveland for a quilting show. She'll fly back to Cleveland and I'll meet her there to spend Thanksgiving. I'll drive the rig to Cleveland by myself. I may have to swing by a few casinos on the way.

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