Saturday, August 15, 2009

Wall Drug

Yesterday Nan and I went to Wall Drug. Originally this was a struggling drugstore, until the wife came up with the idea to offer free ice water to truck drivers. After that, the business exploded. It was a 2 hours drive from Deadwood. I’m not sure it was worth the drive, but I wanted to visit Wall Drug at least once in my life.
Originally we planned on visiting Wall Drug on our trip from the Badlands to Deadwood last Monday. I was following my GPS, which is accurate about 75% of the time on a good day. It took us down a dirt road that it said was Rt. 6. We went about 2 ½ miles until we got to a cattle guard in the road (a metal grate that cattle will not cross). I wasn’t sure it would hold the weight of my truck, so we started backing up. After about 2 miles in reverse we came to a spot where we could turn around. After that we just stayed on paved roads till we got to Deadwood.

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