Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Flight around Mt. McKinley

On Saturday (6/26/10) we signed up to take an airplane ride around Mt. McKinley in the Denali National Park. The plane takes off out of Talkeetna, AK. When our plane returned from a previous trip the pilot said that the mountain was clouding up and it wouldn’t be worth going up right now. So Nan and I, and the other couple going up (Bob and Kris) left our cell numbers so they could call when conditions looked good. No call the rest of Saturday, and no call on Sunday (because it rained all day). Unfortunately, Bob and Kris had to leave on Sunday so they weren’t able take the plane ride. Fortunately, Nan and I were staying until Tuesday morning, and the skies cleared up on Monday. We got the call and were able to take off around 6:00 p.m. After the call, the good news kept coming. Another couple had just signed up for a flight with a glacier landing. I originally didn’t think landing on a glacier would be worth the extra $150 on top of the $400 for the flight, especially since I’ve seen my share of Cleveland snow. But since the other couple had paid for a glacier landing, we tagged along with them for no additional charge. It turned out to be the highlight of the flight.

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