Sunday, May 1, 2011

Copperhead Snake

After a couple months of me working in Ohio, Illinois, and Michigan, while living with Nan’s mom, we are back on the road again. Nan and I took the truck to Mt. Airy, North Carolina to pick up the RV. We spent 2 nights at the Mayberry campground. The second night there we had a lot of rain and winds. Nan was up all night watching the weather channel and keeping watch for tornados. Normally I sleep in my birthday suit, but since it has a hole in it I didn’t want to run outside without anything else on, so I wore shorts that night. After that preparation I slept like a baby since I knew Nan would sound her alarm if we had to evacuate. Some tornados touched down not to far away, but we escaped unharmed.

We are heading to a Heavy Duty Truck (HDT) rally in Myrtle Beach, SC. Some people that tow their RVs with semi trucks are getting together for a week. It starts on May 6, so we are hanging out in a Thousand Trails campground in Advance, NC (by Winston Salem) the week prior. It’s a nice campground that has a pond where Roxy can take a daily dip. Yesterday Nan, Roxy, and I were taking a walk through the park. Nan stepped over something in the road that I saw move a little. Then Roxy walked over this thing. I realized it was a baby snake after it struck at Roxy, but luckily missed. It looked like it was about 6 inches long. I was looking at it and a guy in a car came by and said “Is that a copperhead?” He took a close look and confirmed that it was. This freaked Nan out a little. The guy went back to tell the park employee who told him there was a nest at that location and they see 6 or 7 of them each year. They guy then came back with his car, drove the front tire on the snake and then turned his steering wheel 2 or 3 times to grind it into the road.


  1. Tom:

    Glad to see you are back on the road again

  2. We're in The Four Corners, Cortez, CO. Saw a big snake in Canyon de Chelly but not up that close.
